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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

oUr lOve wIll alWaYs laSt..

aS wE waLk tHis laNd..
siDe bY siDe, haNd iN hanD..
i kNow tHat sOme clOuds mAy PaSs..
bUt iF wE hOld On tiGht..
aNd lOve with aLL oUr miGht..
tHen tHe thOrns iN oUr liVe will nevEr laSt..
aNd tHe rOads mAy sOmetimes bE unPaved..
yOu mAy tHink that Our lOve cannOt bE saVed..
thOugh tHe wOrld Out TheRe..
mAy bE cold tO all wE shaRe..
i haVe yOu, tO taKe mE thrOugh tHe niGht..
aNd iF wE hOld On tiGht..
aNd staY trUe tO aLL tHat's riGht..
tHen Baby, our lOve will alwaYs laSt..
sEe tHe sUnrise iN the sKy..
kiSs tHe sUnset aS wE lIe..
aT niGht, I'ii neVer leAve yOur siDe..
bUt i knOw sOmeday..
i'II bE gOne, aNd yOu'll bE grAy..
oH, darLing, wisH thAt i cOuld heAl yOur paIn..