? ??????????????Punk Collage? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (338 Ratings)??188 Grabs Today. 35391 Total Grab
s. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????1?? ?????Tartan Love? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (6 Ratings)??176 Grabs Today. 2222 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Incredible Butterflies (New)? ????? CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Road Accident i've seen in my life.

i have seen one accident when i, ain, rohimah,nina,nini and farhana on the way back to college. the excident was happen near imah car. i see one man is rider har motorcycle and he wan't to piece car behind he but have a another car want to turned. after that he shock and apply inside that car. good luck because that man was not roll over the car. nothing happen to her just have a bit wound.

6 Things I Treasure Most In My Life

6 things that i treasure most in my life is :
1. My handphone.
2. My sweet heart sweater
3. 'Bantal Bucuk'
4. My teddy bear 'pinky'
5. Spongebob pilow
6. Ring from my sweet heart.
that is my treasure becauz without my handphone i can do anything, without my sweet heart sweater i can't loose my misz to her, without my 'bantal bucuk', my teddy bear and my spongebob pilow to i can't sleep, and the last one is ring because that ring so important for me that give from my sweet heart. that all is my treasure most in my life i awake that all like my self.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Do I Think About Blogs.

First time when i get the asiignment from Puan that we have to create a blogs in english i feel so hard to do this because to make a word in Bi is difficult for me. after do this blog i feel so fun because i can improve my word in english and i can learn more. actually when my friend,lecturer and my uncle comment what i wrote in this blogs i feel confident to create a word because i have ther all give me admonishment so i can improve my vocubalary..thanks to they all.

How To Make Our English Class Interesting.?

For me i think do a games like Puan doing before this. when puan do the games we feel so fun and interesting because we have to complete the game and have to race with another group for win and also get the price from puan hehehe...but for me now class Spa203 are really interesting and i like that subject 2.

Do We Need Examination And Why.?

Yes we need the examination for english because when we do the test we can now our english is improve or not. for me the examination is important because we can value our perfomance after we study in class.

My Aim For Spa203

My aim for spa203 is i can improve my vocubalary in english, i can speak better in english before this and not broken. I have a good lecturer in Spa203 the lecturer is Pn.Subashini. thanks to Puan because teach me how to speak english in better.

My First Day At College

Actually i was late to registration because i'm not feeling well and i was finish my tonsil operation. After 2 weeks of registration i start join the college, the first time i came i feel nervous because i don't have a experience before this in college and everything i have to do my owm self. I have to see a lots of lecturer and new friend. I still remember that rohimah is the first person talk with me and also siti rohana and siti rohani they are twins. but now i'm not alone because i have all my friend and i can learn a lot of thing to do expecially the assignment..

My Classmates

We have 27 studen in semester 2, in my class have 13 person and in another class have 14 person. i'm from class spp 2b, my lecturer class is cik Nur Zahirah. In my class havemany type of person have a sensitive, lazy, busy body, loving, spoonfeet, hot tempered, kind, humble, and also funny. All in my class are muslims and just have 2 guys only hasnul and wafiy, but they are have a different character. in my class i'm the elder then they, but anyway i happy to have they all as my friend. i hope our relationship eternal.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Favourite Food

Malaysia have a many fruit, malaysia also have imported and local fruit. Imported fruit that i like is epal because epal have a vitamin c and also can loose weight for people who diet. locac fruit that i like is Rambutan and Longan 'mata kucing' we call in another name, Rambutan and longan so sweet and not good to eat always because we can get Diabeties. Actually all fruit have vitamin belonging to them. So fruit is important thing to our body.

The Best Birthday Gift I get

Everyone have a date of birthday like me to, date of my birth is 16 november 1987.
the best give i get is from my friend. they all celebrate my birthday at hard rock cafe.
they do a big party for me and i feel so sad,happy and shock because this is first time i celebrate my birthday like that..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

6 step to get true loves..

6.Give and Take

that all what we need when we fall in love with someone and how to get a true relationship.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

my favourite lecturer

actually my favourite lecturer is all the lecturer in my college..i like them because they are kind,lovely,understanding,happy and gorgeous..the lecturer is Pn.Subashini,Cik Jamilah,Cik Nurul Huda,Pn Sopha, Pn Nazliza,Pn Shima,En Munzir and also Cik Nur Zahira...they all my favourite lecturer..that all my Lecturer in Semester 2...


helloooo...today i feel more better than yesterday..
today i have trial exam akaun..i don't know i can do or not cuz the bank reconciliation statemenst is uneasy because i dont understand the formula..so now i will try to do it my best..i hope i can pass that exam.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

today is very bad day

hiiii...today im not feeling well because i got a fever,caugh, and also flue...
i don't have a mood today...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i change my colour blog

hiii....this is my new blog colour...i change my blog colour because i want to do some different in my blog..i use background in black colour cuz i want to match with pink colour...i also change my title blog in purple colour...i hope u all like with my new background blog..if u don't like please comment and i will to try do in my best... daaaaaa...

Friday, March 6, 2009

this is for you mom

Mother's are the most important individuals in our lives.
We begin our lives completely dependent on them for our every need.
Many believe that we search for aspects of the mother
child relationship throughout our entire lives.
Love it or hate it,
she was your first love and will never be gone from your heart.
You will always be in her heart also.
Try telling her not to love you,
try telling to her to forget you existed.
It is impossible.
Unless you are a mother yourself,
you can never understand the intensity of this love.
mom is everything for me,
without she i can life,
she is my world,
and she is born me,
she rise me up,
she is my mom and my father for me,
she give everything that what i need,
im sorry mom if i hurt you,
i know that i hurt your feeling,
but i want you to now something,
i really regret what i do in the pass,
now i promise that i never disappointed you.
i love you so much.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

about friend poem

A friend is someone
we turn towhen our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we
treasurefor our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who
fills our liveswith beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live ina better and happier place.
You are friendly,
kind and caringSensitive,
loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and trueAlways there...
yes that's you.
Special, accepting, exciting and wiseTruthful and helpful,
with honest blue eyesConfiding,
forgiving, cheerful and brightYes that's you...
not one bit of spite.
You're one of a kind,
different from othersGenerous,
but not one that smothersOptimistic,
happy and gameBut not just another...
in the long chain.
warm and precious like goldOur friendship won't tarnish
or ever grow oldYou'll always be there,
I know that is trueI'll always be here...
always for you.

welcome to my love poem post...

An Entrapment
My love,
I have tried with all my being to grasp
a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;
I know now why Shakespeare could
notcompare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the
beautyof such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away
the precision God had placed in forging you.
Each facet of your beingwhether it physical
or spiritualis an ensnarementfrom which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.
You're my man,
my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining down,
You're the sky so vast and blue,
And I'm the white clouds in your chest,
I'm a river clean and pure,
Who in your ocean finds her rest,
You're the mountain huge and high,
I'm the valley green and wide,
You're the body firm and strong,
And I'm a rib bone on your side,
You're an eagle flying high,
I'm your feathers light and brown,
You're my man,
my king of kings,
And I'm the jewel in your crown.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


today in my college have a 'guddies day'...i get 14 candy from all my friend and also from my class lacterur is cik ira..cik ira give me a epal..she also give to all my friend..everyone is so happy when get the candy actually syikin cuz no one give the guddies to she..and she feel so sad and crying at the toilet..today is my last day to come to college cuz we have semester break..i wan,t to going back my village but it is impossible cuz i have to attend for training badminton...i have so many assignment that i have to do..ok...that all...see again in another post...daaaaa

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

about today...04/3/09

hiii...today i feel so angry with someone..actually that person it's really make me so dispointed..
but now i want to forget about him..in 28/02/09 i went to bukit merah with my classmate..i buy combo set tickets..we go ecopark, skycycle and water park...we are so happy in there...went we go for 'rumah hantu' munirah and me so afraid cuz inside that 'rumah hantu' is dark. after we came out from 'rumah hantu' hafizah shoes is missing..i don't know where she leave her shoes.
after that hafizah have to buy a new shoes..finally we play a bumper car but that bumper car not interresting and we all not enjoy cuz that bumper car it's very-very slow.after that we all go home.